You can find on this page the New Zealand on world map to print and to download in PDF. The New Zealand on world map presents neighbouring countries of New Zealand and location in Oceania of New Zealand.

New Zealand on world map

New Zealand on world map shows the location of New Zealand in atlas. New Zealand world map will allow you to easily know where is New Zealand in the world map. The New Zealand in the world map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

New Zealand is identified as one of the world most stable and well-governed nations as its mentioned in New Zealand on world map. As of 2011, the country was ranked 5th in the strength of its democratic institutions and 1st in government transparency and lack of corruption. New Zealand has a high level of civic participation, with 79% voter turnout during the most recent elections, compared to an OECD average of 72%. Furthermore, 67% of New Zealanders say they trust their political institutions, far higher than the OECD average of 56%.

In 1893 the country became the first nation in the world to grant all women the right to vote and in 1894 pioneered the adoption of compulsory arbitration between employers and unions. New Zealand became the only country in the world in which all the highest offices in the land (Head of State, Governor-General, Prime Minister, Speaker and Chief Justice) were occupied simultaneously by women as its shown in New Zealand on world map.

New Zealanders enjoyed one of the highest standards of living in the world in the 1950s, but the 1970s saw a deep recession, worsened by oil shocks and the United Kingdom entry into the European Economic Community as you can see in New Zealand on world map. The country underwent major economic changes during the 1980s, which transformed it from a protectionist to a liberalised free-trade economy. Markets for New Zealand agricultural exports have diversified greatly since the 1970s, with once-dominant exports of wool being overtaken by dairy products, meat, and recently wine.

Map of New Zealand and surrounding countries

Map of New Zealand and surrounding countries shows all countries around New Zealand. This New Zealand map and bordering countries will allow you to know neighboring countries and the geographical location of New Zealand in Oceania. The New Zealand map and surrounding countries is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

New Zealand is situated some 1,500 kilometres (900 mi) east of Australia across the Tasman Sea and roughly 1,000 kilometres (600 mi) south of the Pacific island nations of New Caledonia, Fiji, and Tonga as its shown in the map of New Zealand and surrounding countries. New Zealand has a long-standing relationship with New Caledonia, the two surrounding countries closest geographic neighbour in the Pacific. They have a strong friendship and share a vision for enhanced cooperation in trade, education, sport, health, the environment and research.

Despite the USA suspension of ANZUS obligations the treaty remained in effect between New Zealand and Australia as a surrounding coutries, whose foreign policy has followed a similar historical trend. Close political contact is maintained between the two countries, with free trade agreements and travel arrangements that allow citizens to visit, live and work in both countries without restrictions. Currently over 500,000 New Zealanders live in Australia and 65,000 Australians live in New Zealand as its mentioned in the map of New Zealand and surrounding countries.

New Zealand resumed full bilateral engagement with Fiji in 2014, after Fiji held its first democratic election following the 2006 military coup and our relationship continues to grow steadily in terms of two-way trade, tourism, defence and development cooperation. Also Tonga as a surrounding country of New Zealand, they have a long history together. In 2020, New Zealand and Tonga will celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations as you can see in the map of New Zealand and surrounding countries.

New Zealand map Oceania

Map of New Zealand in Oceania shows the location of New Zealand in the Oceania continent. New Zealand map Oceania will allow you to easily know where is New Zealand in Oceania and to know countries near. The New Zealand in the Oceania map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Oceania is dominated by the nation of Australia. The other two major landmasses of Oceania are the microcontinent of Zealandia, which includes the country of New Zealand, and the eastern half of the island of New Guinea, made up of the nation of Papua New Guinea as its shown in New Zealand map Oceania. Oceania also includes three island regions: Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia (including the U.S. state of Hawaii).

Birds are very common in Australia and Oceania because they are one of the few animals mobile enough to move from island to island. There are more than 110 endemic bird species in Australia and Oceania, including many seabirds. Many flightless birds, such as emus, kiwis, cassowaries, wekas, and takahes, are native to Australia, Papua New Guinea, and New Zealand as its mentioned in New Zealand map Oceania. The Pacific Islands have more than 25 species of birds of paradise, which exhibit colorful plumage.

There are six cities in Oceania with a population of more than 1 million inhabitants from which Auckland (New Zealand): 1.6 million inhabitants as you can see in New Zealand map Oceania. The climate of the region is diverse. The highest temperatures in Oceania are reached in the Australian outback with extremes of 50 °C (123 °F) and the lowest temperatures are measured in New Zealand with −25 °C (−14 °F).